How to calculate the area formula. How to calculate the area of ​​a room in square meters

  1. Tools for taking measurements
  2. How to calculate the area of ​​the room. Calculation algorithm
  3. The room has the shape of the letter G or P
  4. The room of irregular shape with a complex configuration of the ceiling (beams, columns)
  5. The room has a trapezium shape
  6. Sloping ceiling
  7. Square wall
  8. Square floor
  9. The area of ​​the room and the room as a whole

Having decided to make repairs, we have long and meticulously selected materials, styles and textures, trying to make our home as comfortable as possible and respond to our tastes. And now, when the whole interior is selected and approved by the family council, it is time to buy the necessary materials. But before going to the store, it is necessary to measure the area of ​​the room in order to purchase materials in exactly the quantity required for repair. After all, at current prices for high-quality finishing materials, it is unprofitable to buy surplus or additionally visit the store in order to purchase the missing quantity due to incorrect calculations.

To calculate the area of ​​a room by floor, it is necessary to measure the length of two walls having one common angle, and multiply one value by the second: S = Length × Width. For example, the length of one wall in a rectangular room is 7 meters, and the length adjacent to it is 6 meters, then S = 7 × 6 = 42 square meters. The ceiling area is calculated in the same way as the floor area. If your room is irregularly shaped, it is necessary to measure the length of each section of the wall, and having depicted a diagram on a sheet of paper, calculate the area of ​​each rectangle. The total area of ​​the room by the floor will be equal to the sum of the areas of all the rectangles that comprise it: S = S1 + S2 + S3 + ... + Sn.

If the walls in your room do not touch at a right angle, you can calculate the area by completing an imaginary rectangle on paper and dividing its area in half. However, remember that almost all materials are sold in rectangular shape , therefore after use there will be scraps that must also be taken into account when making a purchase.

The area of ​​the walls is calculated by multiplying the length of the wall by its height. If there is a window or doorway on the wall, then their area should be subtracted from the total area of ​​the wall: S = Д × В - Дп × Вп - до × Во. The total area of ​​the walls in the room is equal to the sum of the areas of all the walls.

Some finishing materials have a special pattern that should be selected, while they have their own repeat - part of the pattern, which is repeated several times. This value should be taken into account along with the area of ​​individual room elements when calculating the required amount of materials.

We do the measurements yourself

Repair is a useful, but always very expensive event. And before you dare to take this difficult and difficult step, make an estimate of your costs. For this you need to find the floor space. When a brigade is hired for repair work, its employees themselves carry out calculations to solve this problem. Although the procedure (calculation of the area of ​​the room) is not so complicated. In the latter case, you will know how honest employees are with you and you will be sure that you do not overpay anything extra for materials.

Tools for taking measurements

Rooms? In order not to be mistaken when calculating the area of ​​a room, it is necessary to remove all dimensions correctly, and for this you need to recall some concepts from geometry and equip yourself with the simplest tools. You will need:

  • a tape measure (the ideal option is a laser tape measure);
  • paper;
  • stairs;
  • building level;
  • pencil for writing;
  • for calculating calculator.

How to calculate the area of ​​the room. Calculation algorithm

Room - parallelepiped

In such a room, the ceiling area coincides with the floor area. The need for a stepladder in this case disappears.

Find the length (a) and width (b) of your room. To calculate the area of ​​the room, use the formula S = a · b

Take a room with a length of 5 m and a width of 4 m, then S = 5 · 4 = 20 m² is necessary to determine the quadrature.

The room has the shape of the letter G or P

The previous formula is quite suitable for the calculation (S = a · b). For this, it is necessary to visually divide the room into rectangles and calculate the square of each. And for a full area calculation, simply add the results to one another.

For example: our room has the shape of the letter "G". Let the length of the room is 6 m, and the width is 3 m, and for the existing process, the length is 1 m, and the width is 2 m.

S 1 = 6 · 3 = 18m 2

S 2 = 1 · 2 = 2m 2

S = 18 + 2 = 20m 2

The room of irregular shape with a complex configuration of the ceiling (beams, columns)

Often the room has an irregular geometric shape due to embedded columns, beams, ledges. How to calculate the area of ​​the room?

The formula is the same (S = a · b). To do this, it is necessary to visually divide the room into rectangles and calculate the quadrature of each, and simply add the results together.

This is nothing complicated, just have to tinker a bit. Calculations must be carried out in two stages.

  1. premises. To do this, take measurements of the walls of the room, write down the results obtained on a piece of paper, and then according to the formula (multiply the length of the room by its width).
  2. Draw a sketch of your room. This is very important, since your further calculations directly depend on the shape of the room.
  3. Make the necessary measurements for each of the ledges (length, width) and according to the formula, calculate their area.
  4. Add the resulting quadrature to the total area found earlier.

Example: How to find out the area of ​​the room? Take a room whose length is 6m and its width is 3m. S total = 6 · 3 = 18m 2 (total area)

The length of the protruding part - 1m, and the width is 0.5m. Total protrusions - four pieces. Their area is the same formula as the entire premises. S protrusions = 4 · (1 · 0,5) = 2m 2.

Total square S = 18 + 2 = 20m 2

The room has a trapezium shape

If the room resembles a trapezoid .

To calculate the area using a slightly different formula. S = ½ · (a + b) · h, where h is the height, the distance between opposite parallel sides, a, b are parallel sides.

For example: One side - 5 m, the other - 3 m, and height - 4 m.

S = ½ · (5 + 3) · 4 = 16m 2

Sloping ceiling

Sometimes in the rooms, the ceiling plane can be inclined and located at an angle to the floor. How to find the area of ​​such a room?

You measure the side of your apartment, the length of which is identical for the floor and the ceiling. The next measurement is the slope length. To calculate the area, simply multiply the data obtained.

For example: The length of the room - 3m, and inclined (diagonal) - 4m.

S = 3 · 4 = 12m 2

How to measure ceiling height (tip)

To know the height of the ceiling is necessary not only when buying furniture, but also in the case when you decide to paste over it with wallpaper or make it stretch. To do this, you need a tape measure (preferably not to use a centimeter) whose length is not less than three meters.

The area of ​​the room is the most important parameter that determines the amount of building materials needed to perform repairs. Accordingly, it also depends on the area of ​​the room how much money will be spent on repairs in the house, apartment, office or at the cottage. Therefore, it is simply impossible to ignore this parameter.

In addition, going to the market or to the hardware store, we again face square, since the price of individual materials is indicated directly at the rate of one square meter. So, for proper planning of future expenses, we will inevitably have to measure the area of ​​the room (or the area of ​​the entire room) in which repair work will be performed. We will talk about how to count square meters in this article on the website of useful tips "What to Do" (website).

Square wall

To perform all the necessary measurements, it is not necessary to call the master, they are easy to make yourself, having any measuring device with you. To measure the quadrature of the walls at home, a tape measure, a long ruler, or a modern laser range finder will be suitable. And then do the following:

1. Determine the length and height of each wall, fixing the resulting figures on a piece of paper, so as not to forget, since these data will be needed when performing the calculation.

2. To achieve maximum accuracy of changes, you can even measure the wall in several places by summing the numbers and dividing the sum by the number of measurements (we determine the arithmetic average).

3. When the length and width of the wall surface is known, the square of the wall can be calculated. For this, the length is multiplied by the width, and the result is the area value (square meters, m2).

4. Similar measurements are performed for each of the walls, which we plan to glue, insulate or coat.

5. When the square of each individual wall is known, the total area can be determined by adding the results. So we determine the area of ​​all the walls that we have to cover with building materials. Based on the budget for the repair and the cost of materials, you can go to the market or to the hardware store.

Note : to calculate the area of ​​walls that have an unusual, relief form, protrusions and other elements, it is necessary to calculate the quadrature of each individual element, and sum up the resulting area indicators (add).

Note : to determine the area of ​​a wall with a doorway or window, you can separately calculate the total square of the wall and subtract from it the area occupied by the door or window. Simply put, we calculate the total square of the wall, measure the area of ​​the opening in it, subtract the second from the first, get the remainder - this will be the actual area of ​​the wall minus the opening.

Square floor

Calculate the floor area is needed in the event that repairs include its insulation, flooring or decoration. In addition, the square of the floor will be needed to calculate the area of ​​the room as a whole (for example, for overhauling).

In a manner similar to that described above, we measure the length and width of the floor, multiplying the numbers obtained. In the case of protrusions and bends, we perform measurements of each individual area of ​​the floor area, conventionally dividing it into several components (several conventional geometric figures - squares and rectangles). The sum of the areas of all individual sections of the floor will determine the total square. By the way, this method of "conditional division" is suitable for calculating areas and any other surfaces (the area of ​​the wall with a window, the area of ​​the first and second level suspended ceiling, etc.).

When making measurements, it is not necessary to take out or move furniture. To determine the length or width of the floor can be on the walls, because these figures will inevitably coincide.

To measure the length and width, to calculate the square of the room, it is more convenient to use a long meter (tape measure). If there is no such tool, it is measured from the corner to the point where the existing measuring device reaches. At the end of the measuring scale, a mark is placed, and the ruler moves on, moving by beginning to the end point of the previous measurement. Naturally, remembering the sum of the data obtained is even more difficult in this case, which means we will definitely use a pencil and paper to write the calculated parameters.

The area of ​​the room and the room as a whole

Knowing the square of the floor (the product of its length and width), we also know the area of ​​the room, since these numbers will coincide. Depending on the nature of the upcoming repair (whether we will work with the walls, floor or ceiling), the phrase "room area" can mean the square of the walls, the square of the floor or the ceiling. In any case, the necessary measurements and calculations are performed, and we can only choose the desired parameter.

For example, we want to glue wallpaper and laminate flooring. To calculate the need for the number of wallpapers, we need to calculate the square of the walls. To determine the amount of laminate we calculate the floor area. As you can see, nothing complicated. When working with the ceiling in the same way we determine the area of ​​the ceiling.

To calculate the quadrature of the room as a whole, the area of ​​all rooms and aisles need to be folded, without losing sight of any part of the room.

Note : it is important to understand that the area is measured in square meters (m2) and always includes only 2 components - the length and width. Height (the third parameter of the space) is not considered here. On the other hand, if we are talking about volume, then a third indicator is surely added, as a result of which we obtain data on cubic (not to be confused with square meters) meters of measurements (cubic meters, m3). Often these two different indicators are confused, so be careful. The quadrature is only the length and width.

How to calculate the area of ​​the room?
Example: How to find out the area of ​​the room?
How to find the area of ​​such a room?